2nd April 2023
12:30 PM onwards

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Scholars and students are invited to submit a brief abstract of their presentations ( max. 250 words). This will be an elimination round. Shortlisted students will be invited for presentations at Iit madras This year, we are welcoming abstracts from scholars in the following 4 broad areas in Chemical Engineering


1) Chemical Reaction Engineering
2) Environmental science and pollution control
3) Material Science
4) Process control and/ or AI in ChemE

The last date for submitting abstracts will be announced soon.
Presentation submission is strictly restricted to 8 min

The selected presentations will be communicated to the participants to participate in finals

Find the Guidelines in the below given link:

Note : that anybody can register and submit abstracts, even without the events pass. But only the candidates with event passes would be considered.

Prizes worth 60000 in INR.

1) Participants have to submit the abstract by the mentioned date.
2) Abstracts that are selected for the paper presentation will be updated and communicated to the participants.
3) Each speaker will be allotted 10 minutes (8 minutes for presentation + 2 mins for Q&A).
4) A warning bell will be rung at the end of 6min 30sec.
5) The participant will be graded based on presentation skills, content, Q& A.
6) Points will be deducted if the participant exceeds 10 minutes.

For Registrations and Queries, contact:

Dhaval Patel
+91 9952433570